Seminole Application Framework
Building robust web-based interfaces requires complex logic to handle the problems
introduced by the stateless nature of HTTP. The Seminole Application Framework
provides a MVC (Model-View-Controller) based engine to insulate applications from
the complexity of HTTP and HTML.
The application framework supports internationalization, security, and parameter
validation combined with an easy-to-use interface. Despite its power and flexibility,
the application framework is compact and efficient, allowing it to be used on
low-end microprocessors like those typically found in cost-sensitive networking equipment.
Includes the
Seminole HTTP Server
for a complete stateful and message-based development environment.
Clean design mirrors a traditional GUI structure
Session support for multiple, independent users
Stateful retention of application settings, providing a predictable
user experience
Efficient run-time operation for low memory and CPU footprint
Automatic marshaling and validation of user input lets developers worry
about more important issues
Host-based tools allow quick and easy integration with applications
Abstracts interface issues away from the application's core code